Quickest method of solving square root

                   SQUARE ROOT

Many people found problem to solve square root in different exams quickly. Due to which they wasted their time in it. But here we provide you to the quickest method to solve the square root. 

Procedure to solve square root of perfect squares. 

  • To solve the square root you must know these following terms -

  • If there is 1,4,5,6,9 present at the unit place of any number only then that number is perfect square. If you get 2,3,7,8 at unit place of any number then that number is not a perfect square.
  • If u get these perfect square making unit place numbers then following numbers occurs at unit place of answer-

Lets take a example 

Q:1. Find the square root of 8836?

Sol.  1. As you can see that there is 6 at unit place of this number so either 4 or 6 occurs at ans. 

Then take first two digits 88 then see on first pic you have to find out 88 is between squares of which two numbers. In this case 88 is between the squares of 9 an 10. 

Take the small number between those two i.e. 9 

To find the correct number for unit place see the first pic again 88 is close to square of which number if upper number then 4 will occur at ans but if lower them 6 will occur at ans. 

As u see 88 is close to square of  upper number 9 so 4 will occur at unit place of your answer. i.e. 4

So finally you get the ans 94

   Let us take a another example

Q:2. Find out the square root of 6241?

Sol. So in first step see the unit place which is 1 so so what you get in answer is 1 or 9.

Then take first two digits i.e. 62 as you know 62 is occurs between the squares of 7 and 8. And you have to take smaller number which is 7 so 7 is your first number and as i told you 62 is close to square of which number i.e. 64 which is lower number so we take lower number between 1 and 9 i.e. 9 which act as unit place number.

So finally you get your ans 79.

We can also find the square of three digit 
Numbers with same method. 

Q:3. Find the square root of 13225?

Sol. As you see unit place number is 5 so as i told you before if 5 is unit place number then unit place of answer is also 5 you can directly write your answers unit place number.

Then take first three digits i.e. 132. You should know that 132 is occurring between the squares of 11 and 12. Then you have to take the smaller digit which is 11.

Ao finally ans that you get is 115.


There is an exception which is square of 36 = 1296. This is not only exception for this method, this is exception for all short cut methods of finding square root of perfect squares. 

  So there our topic is finished. This is the one of the most quickest method to solve square roots and helping you in competitive exams. I hope you like this post. 

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